December 18, 2012



Last week, I gave Yllac his first chalk and he loved it so much. He's happy and safe where I can see him, where I can hug him all I want. That's all that matters. As his mom, I wish to keep him beside me forever and to live in the notion that I can keep him safe in my arms.This world we live in is so frightening sometimes. No one told me about the amount of worry that automatically births from you once you become a parent. But I won't undo anything. Especially my son. He is my world. I live for him. I wanna protect him and give him the best chance in life. I want him to be happy and healthy and to have a good, full life. That's all I ever want. 

The recent Connecticut nightmare gave me the chills and deep sadness for all the parents who lost a child and to every family who lost a loved one. I cannot stop thinking about it. The loss was more than many could bear. Somehow it made me scared a little more than I already am. I cannot imagine the pain they are going through right now. I know I am in no position to talk about this, but I am a mother of an-almost-two-year old boy, whom we're thinking of taking to a summer school next year. Ten days ago I was a hundred percent solid about this idea. But right now I am not sure anymore. I don't know....

Things happen just like that and we can't even explain how and why.

Our world needs love, goodness and kindness. We need to be more compassionate towards each other, even to strangers.

Today, I am sorry and sad. My deepest condolences to all the families who are directly affected by this horrific tragedy.

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